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Celtic harp
With this final course by Clotilde Trouillaud devoted to learning the Celtic Harp, you will further increase your skills.
You will discover a lot of new techniques for both right and left hand.
L'amant malheureux 1/2
The lesson today will concern a traditional melody high Brittany, "I am unhappy lover," a sad song you just heard ...
L'amant malheureux 2/2
We find our "unhappy lover", "l'amant malheureux" with this traditional melody from high Brittany.
La fille d'un geolier 1/3
Clotilde Trouillaud teaches you how to play this beautiful melody from southwestern of Brittany
La fille d'un geôlier 2/3
Second part of "La fille d'un geôlier" by Clotilde Trouillaud .
La fille d'un geôlier 3/3
Third part of "La fille d'un geôlier"
Ridée 6 temps 1/2
Ridée 6 temps 2/2
La verte épine - Melody
La verte épine - Accompaniment 1st part
La verte épine - Accompaniment 2nd part
Suite Gavotte 1/2
Suite Gavotte 2/2