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Celtic guitar
Continue learning DADGAD guitar with this progression course offered by Roland Conq.
Laridé 8 temps 1/2
This Laridé 8 temps is an opportunity to work your right hand pick technique to respect and improve the style of the ...
Laridé 8 temps 2/2
Continuation of the Laridé 8 temps for intermediate levels. This will be an opportunity to learn to play the same ch...
Gavotte Swing 1/3
This "Gavotte" is called "swing" because it was played by a chromatic accordion. It is Yves Menez who, returning f...
Gavotte Swing 2/3
Rhythmic work and binary / ternary differentiation, Roland Conq takes us to the heart of what makes a gavotte sound l...
Gavotte Swing 3/3 - Accompaniment
The accompaniment in D minor of the Gavotte Swing taught by Roland Conq taking into account this small chromaticism i...
Ar plac'h dilezet 1/2
"Ar plac'h dilezet" is a melody in A minor collected in the area of Lorient, in Kervignac. Roland Conq will use th...
Ar plac'h dilezet 2/2
Learn how to fingerpick a bass line to the melody "Ar plac'h dilezet", this magnificent Breton tune in A minor collec...
Kas ha Barh en La m 1/2
Apprendre à jouer la mélodie de ce Kas ha barh en La mineur avec quelques variantes sur la seconde phrase.
Kas ha Barh en La m 2/2
Suite de ce kas a barh en La mineur avec la proposition de grille d'accompagnement. Sur la première phrase, on essaie...