Celtic harp - 4 courses - 58 videos

Originally trained by Brigitte Baronnet in Chateaubriant and at the  "Conservatoire National de Nantes" with Catherine Nguyen, Clotilde then took part in many musical experiences.


She created some shows for Breton festivals such as "Yaouank" or "Roue Waroch", where she enjoyed a band experience with "Sylbàt".

Sylbàt performed in many places: Les Vieilles Charrues, le Festival Interceltique de Lorient, le Festival de Cornouaille ...


Thanks to all these experiences, Clotilde now offers her personal universe through a solo carreer based on traditional Breton repertoire.


Clotilde Trouillaud is also a teacher at the Conservatoire de Pontivy and regularly leads workshops in France and abroad.